Tips to get long last blog traffic

Blog traffic is not driven by new traffic; it is driven by return traffic. Your new traffic is going to be fluidic. One week you may have lots of new visitors, and the following weeks you may have very few at all. Your repeat viewers are the ones who are supposed to make up the bulk of your traffic. And, if you are clever then you can retain more per week than you lose, and hopefully, grow your readership slow and organically. Here are a few tips to help you build a more loyal and longer lasting readership.

Install an RSS feed

This is imperative and priority number one. An RSS feed is the greatest invention in the world for people who want readers to return to their website. An RSS feed allows you to keep your readers updated in the most inoffensive and subtle manner possible. Your presence in the RSS reader is enough to keep people coming back by simply reminding them that you still exist. It gives people easy access to you without forcing them to put you into their favorite’s bar, where you will probably be lost anyway.

Use a blog scheduling tool

A blog scheduling tool is going to allow you to maintain a consistent posting time every week. It means that you blog may be posted at the same time each week, making your blog more reliable. It also means that you can create, plan and load your blog posts weeks in advance. This means you are never going to have to struggle to quickly write a blog post within a week because your posts are already written weeks in advance.

Create high quality content consistently

High quality and usable content is going to keep people coming back again and again. It is what makes your blog so appealing in the first place. People are not going to visit for the sake of it. They need to get something out of it, and your high quality content is exactly that.

Put your reader before search engine rankings and affiliate money

This is a little bit too difficult for some people. Most people are working so that they can rank up through the search engine results pages, or to gain affiliate money. So, the idea that they forget all of that in place of writing for their users is mildly offensive to them. But, if you want people to keep coming back again and again, then you need to put your readers first.

Post routinely at the same time without fail

As a matter of professionalism, you should be posting at the same time every week anyway. But, it also makes your blog posting more consistent. If people visit your website and discover that you have not posted a new blog post this week, then they may assume you have stopped maintaining the website/blog and so stop visiting.

Write your blog for a specific target audience

This may sound a little obvious, but you would be surprised at how many people post blog posts simply so people have something to read. It takes research, intuition and a genuine interest in order to find out what your target audience are actually looking to read.

Push the boundaries of what is acceptable or interesting

The worst thing about blogs is that the same content is repeated over and over again. It is written, re-written, spun and curated to the point of making the online world a vapid wasteland. Push the boundaries a little and be a little more creative. Do not write 10 tips for men dating; write 10 tips on how to convince your date you are a pop group director.

Never rewrite the content of other articles unless you are curating

This is a very common thing with blogs, so you need to make sure you do not re-write anything online. If you are rewriting then you are not providing a use for your blog reader, thereby giving them no reason to return to you. Only rewrite if you are curating “evidence” (using that term loosely) on a certain issue.

Make sure your blog topic is something you are passionate about

If you are not passionate about your blog topic then they are not going to write about it passionately. You are not going to have a natural interest in it, and you are not going to produce information that is interesting and relevant to your users.

For example, if you were writing a blog about the next batman movie, then you may complain that Ben Affleck is playing Batman because he did such as poor job of playing the Daredevil. But, if you were passionate about your blog topic then you would know things such as how Christian Bale has played in a few stinkers too, such as the terrible musical he was in (Newsies 1992).

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